It ended with a short sentence,
a phrase should suit it better.
It's its own fault.
No blaming of others.
Not blaming the trench itself.
The reefs and calling and invitions didn't do anything wrong,
it's it,
which swam deep into the trench.

In the beginning it'd told itself not to be near the edge of the trench,
it's tempted,
tempted by the calling of the deep trench.
It said that it's beautiful down there,
it's cooling,
and enclose it totally,
and never would not welcome it.
are not the truths.
It know they're not,
It knew that the sharp edges are there.
Seen how other fishes swimming in and out of it,
some injured badly with wounds all over,
some came out unharmed at and swim freely ina and out of it.
It knew it'll be the one which can't come out safely.

The sweet sound of the callings,
the colourful reefs surrounding it,
why would it has the idea that it can just stay in there secured?
Foolish little clown fish.
Listened to too much tales about it.
Others dreamt about it,
imgined it.
Why did it just dropped into the deep swirl of imagination? just wanted to feel the water inside the trench,
sounded nice and sweet.

It also knew,
it's just 'sounded'.

Maybe it just can't fight the temptation off.
It's its fault.

It did enjoyed in the trench.
It saw how beautiful it really is,
fascinating and captivating.
Thought it can't see the light...

But that wasn't long...

Eventually it touched the edges of the sharp rocks,
the rough walls.
It swam out of the trench,
severely injured.

Don't see it cry,
fish is assumed never cries.

It cure itself slowing,
back to the sea anemone,
hide in the sea anemone,
protecting its scar...

Life still go on for it.

It will never want to be near the trench even more then before.
Scared of it,
unable to trust it.

Life still go on...

The story chapter,
ended with a full stop.
The last sentence is a phrase.

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