Have anyone ever open up that glass bottle?
It is with a surface that reflect shiny light,
yet so dark inside.

Glass is suppose to be transparent.
It has always been transparent.
Black bottle should be one of them too.
But why no one seem to see through it?

Black bottle,
what's inside is intended to be hidden,
to be buried.

But those who really wants,
who really cares about it,
will take the time to open it up,
no matter how hard.

But sometimes,
since the presence of black is meant to hide what's inside,
why should one wants to see what's in there?
Should respect the presence of the darkness.
Just leave it.
Else you may sink with it.

But do you know?
It's still glass.
once you break it,
everything will just leak.
By then black shall be ashamed.

Black glass bottle.
the hidden things.
What are they?
Don't ever ask me,
I don't even wants to open it myself.
Just leave it,
as respect to the presence of black.

But you know what?
it's still a glass,
it has always been transparent.

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