
Play a song on piano for me.

I think I dont know where am I.

My mind had drifted off, somehow,
and i didnt manage to catch it,
and didnt bother to chase after it.

Where am I?

I wanted to change a blogskin, to change direction, maybe I'll find myself in somewhere familiar.
But I just couldn't find it.

Am I having illusions?
(perhaps so.)

Where have I placed my mind map?
I think I dont know,
but I need to find it,
But why am I not moving.

I dont feel like speaking,
because they're wrong words that spill out from my mouths.

Give me a hug, tell me that I'm still here.

I hear something from faraway,
somewhere deep,
where no lights reach.
Because it's waiting for me to on the lights.
But my hands were trembling,
I dont dare press the switch,
in fear that it's actually something flamable that I'm lighting now.

Where am I?


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